Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Walk Over to Owl...

I walk over to Owl, down to the shoreline, and happen upon an airborne confrontation just ended between an osprey and some crows. The osprey flies away, over my head.

Pretty soon I see an eagle fly out of the tallest pine on Hotel and fly over to a sand bar on the outer reaches of the emerging "golf course".  Then a second. The first flies up from the sand, the second catches up, and they dance around above the water, white hind ends bobbing toward the far shore. They dip and sail and return to the sand, then one flies back up to the pine and lands with a wide wingspread, bending branches. Then it flies back to the sand, and the two do a land dance over some food.

All the while my camera has no memory chip.

Just as well...I might have missed the moment of awe that having a camera in between can objectify.

1 comment:

  1. Oh to have seen it with you. Very happy you had the experience. Sounds very thrilling. I can appreciate the "no camera card" situation, however, no one can take the memory.
