Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sunday, September 22, 2019

This Harmless-looking Neighborhood Cat: Eats Our Birds

My solution: As soon as we start again to feed the birds, I am going to trap the cat and let its owner know where to claim him (on our porch). I am not taking him to the SPCA, nor releasing him in another town. I understand that cats are predators. I do not understand cat owners who will not keep their predator cats (that is, all cats) inside. Arrrrrgggggg!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Oval Wooden Dish Factory, Tupper Lake, Adirondacks

At one time Oval Wooden Dish employed 500 workers who manufactured wooden picnic ware, ice cream spoons, and wooden dishes and bowls. Plastics did it in.