Saturday, February 27, 2010

Burrowing Crows

I think the crow is my favorite bird. It is smart, works within community, talks in interesting ways, is curious, has a sense of humor, is crafty, keeps tabs on the family, cleans up the roads. So far I have not found out how to convince even a single crow that I meant it no harm.
These crows come regularly, about 20 of them in all, because I started putting corn on the ground. Lately the corn has been covered by two snowfalls, so the crows here are hard at work recovering it from up to 8 inches of new wet snow.
They pick up and fly at any motion or sound they detect from inside the house.
A red tail hawk hangs around the neighborhood, happy that we are drawing in smaller birds. One time, as it sat high in the black walnut, six or seven crows came up one at a time and silently gathered, unperturbed, sitting near and all around the red tail, just putting it on notice. Finally the red tail flew off.

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