Sunday, April 28, 2013

Florence Shelly Preserve: Emerging Color

Whenever Ed goes to Binghamton, we tag along and visit Florence Shelly Preserve in Thompson, PA. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Boats and Canals of Venice, part 6: Bridges

Accademia, closest to Piazza San Marco, above (2); Rialto, below (2); and Constitution: 3 of 4 long and tall bridges that cross the Grand Canal.
The Rialto Bridge seems to achieve an architectural optical illusion, for it is far larger than any photo would indicate.
Constitution and Scalzi (not pictured) are near the rail station.

Bridge of Sighs

There may be no two bridges alike in all of Venice and the other islands in the Venetian lagoon. They are vernacular and personal to the neighborhoods they serve. Their height is determined by size of the canals they span. All have an arch and will allow at least a small boat.

Bridge between islands at Burano

Ancient bridge on Torcello

Bridge on Giudeca

Friday, April 26, 2013

Boats and Canals of Venice, part 5: Transport

Transport of Goods and Materials

Boat Building, Launch and Storage

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boats and Canals of Venice, part 4: Construction and Access

Construction Boats and Barges
The gigantic construction barge with 4 (or maybe 5) normal-sized loaded cement trucks is delivering material for a single day's labor. At some point, every bit of cement will be transferred to wheel barrows and trundled by an army of strong laborers into an incredibly expensive historic building rehab project.
The barge had to pass beneath either one or two pedestrian bridges, depending on from which direction it came into the city. 

Access: Docks and Steps