Sunday, December 23, 2012

Adirondacks: Second Day of Winter

This snapshot says a lot about the Adirondack winter so far. Taken just now at the Adirondack Loj in the middle of the High Peaks, we see that the ice isn't completely formed and there is still little snow here, although it is snowing right now!  

We have more snow in Syracuse today.

If history is a good predictor, the ice will be at least a foot thick up here by the end of January, for that is when ice builders begin work on the Ice Castle for the Winter Carnival in Saranac Lake. Even in a poor winter, they harvest thick and heavy blocks from Lake Flower to build an awesome and complicated castle. 

More on that during the second weekend in February when we will come to SL for the Winter Carnival Parade. The theme this year is something to do with under-sea adventures. I see a mask and snorkel decorated with glitter in my future.

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